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17 de oktober de 2023

Shelter Kit Medium, 1638 Cot Single person tent Lanshan pro Carpa camping Camping accsesories Tent stakes Barraca de camping a

Price: 83.51 - 60.96

About Hyfax Shelter Kit Medium:

This design attaches to most shelter bases extends the life of shelter bases by taking the abuse from snow, ice and concrete strips can be easily trimmed to fit to your shelter. Kit includes 4 strips and mounting hardware.

Hyfax Shelter Kit Medium:

  • High-quality, performance-driven
  • Tested to weather any conditions
  • that won?t freeze up even in sub-zero temps
  • Extends the life of shelter base
  • Trim strips to fit your shelter
  • Kit includes four strips and mounting hardware
  • Kategori: Sin categoría

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