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Motorhome paieška

EUR 0 į 1 000 EUR

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Jūsų paieškos rezultatai
15 de spalio de 2023

Outdoor Camping Single-Person Anti-Mosquito Waterproof Field Nylon Tactical Shelter Marching Bed Mosquito Net

Kaina: 192.83 - 96.41

We offer discount for large quantity. Welcome to contact with us!

Sonuto Outdoor Single-Person Palapinė Nylon Tactical Shelter Marching Bed Mosquito Net Single-Person Anti-Mosquito Waterproof Field

Item Description.png

Colour: brown

Tent structure: double layer tent (outer + inner tent)

Pitching situation: no-pitch quick-open

Tent size: 80*220cm

Season: All seasons

Weight: 2kg

Pole material: aluminium

Inner tent material: mesh tent

Outer tent material: nylon

Waterproof index: 2000mm(including)-3000mm(including)

Number of people: single

Package List.png

A set of (as picture)

Item Pictures.png

Kategorija: Sin categoría

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